What Signal Is Obama Sending By Selling More F-16s To Pakistan?

These new eight F-16s are not going to alter the military balance between India and Pakistan in a significant way, but they carry a lot of symbolism for Pakistan. The narrative built around F-16s allows Pakistani military to send a signal to the public of its modern capabilities while the politicians can showcase their ability […]

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Asia-Pacific Military Power Balance Shifting Against The United States?

Geopolitically, most states in the Asia-Pacific region are embracing closer security and economic ties with the United States. At the same time, however, states across the region have become more sensitive to China’s growing political, economic, and military power, and are potentially vulnerable to Beijing’s increasingly coercive behavior. The U.S. relationship with China is complex, […]

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Showdown In Asia

Hopes that China’s reemergence as an energetic great power would be paralleled by a partly natural, partly orchestrated gravitation toward a new and resilient geopolitical order have faded in favor of a search for new and stronger alignments as states seek to insulate themselves from intensifying geopolitical turbulence. Read Here – The National Interest

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